Admittedly it’s hard to think of anything more shamelessly self-serving than blogging about one’s own website on one’s own blog. But alas, here I am posting about my fancy new website— version 2.0—right here on my fancy new blog, Live Out Loud, which as you can see is all about celebrating life to the fullest. Let’s just chalk this one up to professional excitement, shall we? So without further adieau, welcome to my newly shined corner of the web! As you’ll see, it’s loaded with tons of videos from my work at Outside Television, the Bermuda Channel, the Rachael Ray show and more (or just click on Professional Reel for a taste of it all). It’s also got a variety of articles I’ve written over the years, both originally found online and in print. Of course, no website would be complete without great photography and mine has tons: Professional headshots taken by Emmy-award winning photographer Joshua Cogan, travel pics snapped around the globe and an ever-expanding library of photos taken of me while working on location for various television networks. Are you done reading about my website yet? Hopefully not, since you can glean more about yours truly by visiting the bio page or learn how to hire me by contacting my agent, Jennifer Campanile at N.S. Bienstock, by clicking on contact (there’s also a form where you can reach me too). Love social media? Twitter and Facebook users can find simple links to both of my pages at the top right of every screen (yes people, I finally joined Facebook). And I’d be remiss without mentioning my new blog, Live Out Loud, which will be your gateway into everything currently happening in my world: Videos and photographs from recent TV gigs, dispatches from my home in Bermuda, life as a stay-at-home dad, you name it. It won’t be daily—after all, I’ve got a great big world to explore—but I will try to update it as frequently as possible. Finally, a big shout out to the good folks at Provoc, a digital design firm that made my online vision a reality. You guys rock. Okay, had enough? Good, because I’m done. For now.